2009年6月16日 星期二


Think of the small database we used in our lab exercise - Products and Suppliers. Briefly describe how this database observes any two of the four design principles outlined above.

In our lab exercise, we can see that excepting the supplier number, there are no repeated data between these two tables. All the data are connected with product or suppliers, are divided to products or suppliers table respectively. It is divided your information into subject-based tables to reduce redundant data. It not only reduces the likelihood of errors, but also save the space.

On the others hand, each of the column have a limit type of data. (For example, in the column of product name, it must be a text type. In the column of product cost, it must be a number and dollar types.) If you type a text in the product name column, it will remind you that here cannot support the text data. This function can protect the data more accuracy and integrity.

2009年6月14日 星期日

Today i watch a TV news

Today, the TV News reported that Internet Marketing is become more popular in the market. Most of the companies want to change this ways to catch the customer attention. They also want to provide a platform from them to customer to share their comment and idea. Nowadays, internet is indispensable to everyone. Survey has shown that the average of a person on the internet is two hours per day. Internet marketing is very common in the future. If you want to attract more new customers and retain existing customers, you need to provide a platform between them to understand what they need (interactive).

That is a great topic for us to understand the trend of the market. In my opinion, internet marketing is more common in the future. The business need to change there ways to pander to the trend of the market. Interactive is also important for the business know what the customer need. Internet marketing is a good channel for them to do that.

On the other hand, if you want to become more popular brand in the market, you need to create an attractive product to attract the sight line of the customer.

2009年6月10日 星期三


Find one example of Internet marketing that you think is particularly effective

I think Dell computer website is effective internet marketing.

A good website could serve as a platform between a company and its customers, and help the company better understanding what their customers‘ real needs.DELL provides a channel for the customer to share their idea. It is very interactivity. Because base on this idea they can improve or develop their product, which the customers preferred.

DELL also create a blog to share the function of new product by using rich media advertising , environment pollution problem, their strategy etc. with different version (e.g. Chinese version, English version, Spanish version etc). It can catch the customer interest over the world. For example, one of the blog content is showed that they produce a product to support technologies which come from other brand as the following:

Nowadays, wifi is very prevalent in the world. “ the INTEL” produce a wifi product which can connect the photo from camera without any cable. In order to support this product, DELL produce a laptop and printer.

When the customer buy a INTEL product , they need to find the supporting laptop. Passing through the DELL web-site, they can get the suitable information from the blog. It can attract the new customer to buy the laptop.

On the other hand, when the existing customer want to buy a new laptop, passing through the DELL BLOG . They can get more information to know the function of the new product. It can also hold on their interest on it.

Therefore, this is the reason why I think DELL is a effective internet marketing.

One example that is ineffective.

I think Anna sui website is ineffective internet marketing.

When you visit Anna Sui web-site, you can see all products they sell. There have a introduction of the product, but they don’t show the price and user’s comment. There also cannot provide the hyperlink on the photo to see the detail. It is lead to the company difficult to count the time of the customer visit and the file that they look at.

In my opinion, the company should provide a hyperlink on the product’s photo and provide more information of the product. Because this action can be made the company to see which product is more popular. They also need to provide a forum for the user to submit their comment. When a new user wants to change their brand of the cosmetics, they can through the comment to know how well your products are. It can attract more new users .

2009年6月1日 星期一


List the customer data elements generated when a customer interacts with an airline by (a) making a reservation, (b) using frequent flyer miles, and (c) completing a flight.

(1) Destination(from where to where)
(2) Every and total flyer mile of flight
(3) Length of services usage/Total usage per year
(4) When does they complete the flight last time
(5) Feedback and suggestion of the customer

How does information from CRM improve these interactions ?

Using this data, the company can get more messages about what the customer need. To provide a suitable service to them, the company can base on the data to find it. Because when the customers complete the flight, they need to fill in the questionnaire about the feedback and suggestion of the flight. This can make a channel for the company to improve there insufficient. No doubt, this information system can achieve one of the business objectives which are attaining customer intimacy and services.

What are the benefits of integrating the sales, marketing and customer support function using a single software package and a centralized database ?

Spending less cost/time to the customer but generating more profit is the benefit of using this single software package.

This single software package can provide a platform between the company and customer.

Through this software, the company can get more messages about what the customer need. After using this, they can know that what kinds of services are more popular and which customer is more valuable. Also the feedback and suggestion of the customer.

After receiving some information, the company can easily to find what is our profitable customer like? How can we find more customers like them. They no need to use more time/cost to doing the research. Also base on this point, they can generate more profit than using the research.